Breed 77 release details of new singer
1st September 2013The London based Gibraltarian rock band Breed 77 have been touring in the UK since mid-August, playing a dozen dates in support of their current album ‘The Evil Inside’ that commenced with an appearance at the Bloodstock festival on 11th August. However, fans who attended any of the final four dates have been in for a surprise….the band have a new lead singer!
In an announcement on their website dated 28th August, the band state:
“In the light of recent developments within the Breed 77 camp, we have to announce that vocalist Paul Isola has decided to part company with Breed 77 and will be playing his last show with us on 10th September at a National Day concert in Gibraltar. We wish him all the best for the future and still remain best of friends with him. Now, for the great good news!! We want you to welcome to the band our amazing new vocalist Rui Lopez who some of you have already had the chance to hear live with us on our recent German dates [and secret warm-up show in London prior to these]. For those of you coming down to our shows at the end of this week you are in for a treat as you will have the chance to hear Rui for the first time at a headline show in the UK.”
Here is a letter from Paul to his fans:
‘Hello friends, it is with a heavy heart that I have to tell you that I am leaving Breed 77. It is not a decision I have taken lightly, to be honest I have been struggling with it for a few months now. My reasons for leaving are very personal, but I feel I owe you some kind of explanation.
Firstly, I would like to make clear that the split is completely amicable and I continue to love and support my brothers in the band, as they have done for me during this difficult time.
Being in a band like Breed 77 is a full-time commitment, night and day, all or nothing is the only way we know, and now, with the state of the music industry it is increasingly a struggle – recently due to personal circumstances I have found that I could not commit in that way and that I found at times that I had no fight left. I have been in this band for more than half of my entire life and I love it as if it were my own child, and I feel that I cannot give this child anymore of myself right now. I feel that I have neglected parts of my life and am suffering for it, as are my loved ones around me. I need time to heal, to start believing again…and it’s not fair to leave the band on hiatus while I go and sort myself out.
All my love and thanks goes to everyone out there who came to our shows, bought our records and continue to support the band, you have been my extended family for what seems like an eternity and I will miss you dearly. We shared many great moments which I will treasure till I die – I hope I was always at my best and you appreciated I gave you my all every second I was behind the microphone.
I feel I leave the band in good hands, I have been lucky enough to spend some time with Rui and I think he’s a great singer and good guy, I hope you will share your energy with him as you have done with me for so long. In some way I will always be a part of Breed 77 and Breed 77 is a part of me – I wish them all the best and I’m sure that great things are still in the future for the band.
So there it is, even as I write these words now, I feel I’m still convincing myself! I am torn between pain, guilt, loss and confusion but I am certain that right now this is the best decision I could take…. Even though it seems I should apologize to all of you for letting you down! Forgive me friends for not being able to continue this journey with you – sometimes you have to let go and see where the current takes you – let me lose myself in the wind for a while…
As it stands, my last show with Breed 77 will be a free concert on the 10th of September, Gibraltar National Day, in the city square in Gibraltar. It will be a very special show for me and I hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Be sure one thing – you have not heard the last of me.
Remember me ‘cause I won’t forget you
Peace and Love
P ‘
Breed 77 recently played a gig at The Rescue Rooms in Nottingham – our reporter Charlie was there and he interviewed Breed 77, here is his interview: