Doktor Von Stottenstein of Ward XVI Interview

Doktor Von Stottenstein of Ward XVI Interview

29th January 2021 0 By Jon Deaux

Doktor and Emily

Deep inside the walls of Whittingham Asylum Doctor Von Stottenstein takes time away from inmate Psychoberrie to answer a few animal related questions. This is not quite the response we were looking for. [su_youtube url=””]

What pets do you currently have at the asylum?

No pets but we’ve got a toddler called Emily, she’s like a little monkey so it’s close enough. I’ve four other daughters that live elsewhere

What is the weirdest thing Emily has done?
She’s starred on our new album… that’s quite weird for a 18 month old,

What is the best trick she can do?
She destroys everything in her path without mercy, regret or reluctance whilst looking like the most angelic and cute thing imaginable, she’ll stare you in the eye and continue to do what she’s being told off for. The contempt in her eyes makes her believe one day she’ll be the death of me.

This past year has been pretty manic, so you’ve no-doubt, like the rest of us, spent a lot of time at home. How has Emily helped being at home for you? 
It’s been ace watching her grow and develop from useless potato to a walking almost talking human. Loved every second

Have you always been an animal lover? 
Before children I had a hamster called Jimi. He had a stroke that resulted in him running in circles.

Poor Jimi, are you one of those people that puts your pets into costumes? 
She wears lots of Peppa Pig. Daddy pig is the new Ozzy.

Do they like it when you practise at home or has Emily had any influence on your music? Do they seem to prefer any particular genre of music more than another?
Emily loves my guitar and always tries to play it… sometimes better than me. We’ve just got her a hybrid drum and keyboard thingy as a pre-emptive approach to our band’s horrendous history with drummers.

Who looks after Emily whilst you’re away on tour/holiday?
Think we’d have to bring her with us and keep her in our kit when we’re on stage

Speaking of practising, any new music in the pipeline? 
We’ve just released ‘Metamorphosis‘which the second in a trilogy of concept albums about a female psychopath who manipulates her victims to kill for her pleasure. We also resorted to releasing an unplugged EP due to lack of gigs etc. We’re back shielding again now so we’re planning the live show and some videos

Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?
Keep the faith, thanks so much for the support and response to the new album. The new live show is epic and crazy, and we’ll see you in the circus pit.

Thank you for your Doktor.. I’ll be in touch for my check up soon.

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