Interview with Massive

Interview with Massive

31st May 2019 0 By DJ Pixie

Hey guys, glad you could take time out of your hectic schedule to have a chat with us! Appreciated!


We see you will be out on tour soon, how are you preparing for this?

We are actually enjoying a nice calm before the storm. Back on the road for 40 odd dates starting the weekend of SOS fest in July so we are itching to go.


What are Massive looking forward to?

So far this year…  a blur of good times. We’re not scared of having a good time.


We see you have just had your first festival announcement this week for 2020, being announced to play Hard Rock Hell Ibiza Road Trip.

You guys got anything special lined up for this?

No. Because it’s a year away. We haven’t even decided what we’re gonna do this year yet. We’re the band that might write a set list 5 mins before stage time. We have been doing this a while now.


We see you guys got to share the cover of Classic Rock Magazine with Kiss, that’s quite a defining moment for any band getting to share the cover of a magazine with such iconic rock legends. Is that something you will look back on and think “wow”. That’s quite a high status to reach in music, I don’t think there’s much higher you could go from there, or is there?

What’s higher than sharing the cover of Classic Rock Magazine with Kiss? Booting Kiss off the cover and owning the entire front page would be good!

It was pretty cool and something to show the grand-kids one day but more importantly it gave us a lot of new fans. We had 70,000+ copies of our album go out in a month on the cover so a lot of what we do now has to do with getting our name in the magazines.[su_youtube url=””]


Is there anyone who you’d like to share the front cover of a magazine with?

No. Full covers please. But if we had to share we would like to share it with a young band. There’s only so many times you can put Angus, Axl, Ozzy and Gene on the cover. Give some new cats a go.


I agree, it would be really nice to see new up and coming bands given the chance to have their faces on the front of Magazines!

You have got some great festivals lined up for this year! One of which we are looking forward to seeing you at is the almighty SOS Festival here in Manchester in July.

Are you guys looking forward to this one?

Yes. It should be good. It’s at the start of our tour so we will still smell OK.


As a parent I’m finding it more difficult to find festivals with bigger artists to take my kids to due to age restrictions such as Download. Some smaller festivals are OK having kids there, but it would be nice for the younger generation to be able to go out and see bigger artists.

I see this as an obstacle because it’s now harder for the younger kids to see bigger acts because of this.

Do you find playing family festivals more rewarding being able to interact with fans and especially the kids?

There’s a whole swarm of festivals in the UK that are family based. In fact the thing I like about the UK music scene is seeing 3 generations of family members at the same gig. We don’t have that in Australia.


We see you’re also playing Raismes Fest in September alongside some well known artists such as Glenn Hughes and Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons, who are you guys looking forward to seeing at this?

Honestly. Our hotel beds. Put it this way. We are in Germany on the Friday, London on the Saturday and France on the Sunday. After 40 gigs across half a dozen countries we will struggle to see our own gig.


Fair enough!


Lets talk a little bit about your latest studio album ‘Rebuild Destroy’.

It’s your 3rd Studio Album and your First Independant Album.

How do you feel the writing & recording went for this?

We went back to basics. We lost ourselves on the second album. We thought we were rockstars and blew a lot of money in the studio. This time we wanted to be more like it was at the start. A bunch of mates hanging out. We hired a high school friend to produce the album, another high school friend jumped on keys. We did the drums in a fancy studio and the rest in a home studio where we could sit around as much as we wanted to. It was great.


Any studio stories/mishaps you can tell us about?

Not on this album. This was the easiest thing we’ve ever done. No politics, no bullshit. Just feel good Rock n roll


Which song are you most looking forward to performing live off the album?

We have toured a lot of these songs already last year and in Australia as well. Generation Riot will probably open the show and bang people’s heads in.


If you were given a column in a music. Magazine called ‘Cooking With Rockstars’ what would your signature dish be?

Believe it or not. We’re all very good cooks in this band. We probably could be a touring pop up restaurant! So my signature dish would be a Thai chili basil chicken. Or Swedish meatballs with a cream beef gravy.

Sounds mouth watering – pencil me in to come round to your house for dinner!


Finally is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

Hello. Thanks for being our friends.


Thank you for taking time out to talk to us its been a blast!

For all things Massive, click HERE

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