Podcast Episode 9: An Onslaught Of Onslaught & A Warrior Of Soul

Podcast Episode 9: An Onslaught Of Onslaught & A Warrior Of Soul

13th September 2014 0 By Howard 'H' Smith

In this episode H catches up with thrash guitar legend and friend Nige Rockett of Onslaught. They talk about the last time they played together and the ceiling falling in, how the biz has changed and touring South America amongst other things.

Next up is Singer/Poet/Artist and all around rock star Kory Clarke. Speaking from his base in Portugal and mixing cocktails throughout they chat about the Finnish version of the X-Factor, Mob Research, Trouble the new Warrior Soul album and much, much more.

There’s also some new music, a bizarre request, a Suicide Watch CD to be given away and an appeal for haters to step up their game. This is Bollocks sponsored by Lemsip

[youtube width=”560″ height=”315″ video_id=”vz8D9C7nPRM”]
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