Seething Akira – Interview

Seething Akira – Interview

11th September 2017 0 By DJ Pixie

This Portsmouth hardcore 5 piece brought mayhem and destruction to Bloodstock in Derby last month in August, so when we caught up with them after their Bloodstock experience to see how their set went they were more than accommodating to come and have a chat with us about their fabulous Bloodstock experience  here at All About The Rock HQ.

These guys have broken out of the underground scene and played alongside greats such as Benji (Skindred), Sonic Boom Six, Senser and many more.

How are you guys doing today?

We are very good thankyou!

So you guys got to play the monumental Bloodstock how did that go for you guys?

It’s still unreal, even after playing the festival it really hasn’t sank in yet.

After going through all the metal to the masses stuff, it feels really surreal.

We have had to overcome so many different milestones to get us to Bloodstock, to actually allow us to get here and play, it’s just absolutely incredible, such an overwhelming feeling to know we have ticked that off our list.

Everyone at Bloodstock was just so happy, it was a great feeling and vibe being there, it was such a great environment to be in.[su_youtube url=””][/su_youtube]

With the music industry changing regularly, boasting new trends such as pledge campaigns do you feel this is a good tool for bands to use?

I feel as long as it is done well, and it is helping the bands to get their music out there, and it enables the fans to get their hands on the music then yea, it helps those that need that push.

It’s another outlet that helps bands that need it, we haven’t used it as a band, but we have seen plenty of bands that have been successful in using it.

How do you guys keep on top of all the changes within the music industry?

Probably don’t, we just keep on doing what we are doing really.

We promote the best we can, we use all different social media outlets to push ourselves, we interact with fans before and after the gigs, we just sell ourselves to the best we can.

You guys have an EP or album out at the moment?

We are currently writing a new album at the moment.

We are hoping by the end of the year to either release a single or video.

How do you feel your performance went at Bloodstock?

It was beyond all of our expectations, we were a little anxious about playing because of our crossover type of stuff that we do, but knowing the likes of Skindred were playing this made us feel a little better.

So we weren’t sure, but it was just incredible, we got a good reception from the crowds, the tent was full which we weren’t expecting, and people really took to us.

If you could choose a band to play Bloodstock next year who would it be?

Slipknot or System of a Down.

How would you describe Bloodstock in 3 words?

Metal, Metal, Metal!

Constant Beard Competition!

Metal Ostrich Burgers! (They do have Ostrich Burgers here, that’s unusual right!)

What is it about Bloodstock that made you want to go and play the festival?

We had heard that is was such a great friendly environment, and that all bands we had known to play there had a great experience, and that the crews and people there were so welcoming and helpful, plus it’s the biggest metal festival around, we just wanted to play it and we worked our arses off to get there, and im so glad we did because it was an experience i think none of us will ever forget!

Anything else you guys would like to add?

If you missed us at Bloodstock come and see us at Mammothfest, on the  7th October!

We will have new material for you very soon thanks![su_youtube url=””][/su_youtube]

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