Vocalist Tommy Montenegro of Reality Grey Talks About Thor

Vocalist Tommy Montenegro of Reality Grey Talks About Thor

7th March 2021 0 By Jon Deaux

Reality Grey are one of the premier underground metal bands in Italy at the moment and they’ve let their vocalist loose for a chat.

[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spOgWpdGcwY” width=”1600″ height=”1600″ controls=”no” rel=”no”]

Tommy and Thor

Hi Tommy, thank you for taking the time out from Lockdown 3.0 to introduce your pet. 


Well, hi everybody at All about the Rock! I have a dog, a German boxer named Thor.

We brought it home when he was 3 months old in 2013, so we’ve been living together for 8 years now. He’s more like a son to me, we spend lots of time together walking, running or just sleeping on the couch while watching some TV.


Boxers in general are known to be a bit weird, what’s your German Boxer like?

Well, I can’t remember the weirdest thing but.. he’s a boxer, he is a weirdo himself 24/7.


What has Thor been trained to do?

He is not a professionally trained dog but he can do the

Tommy and Thor

“classics” like sit, lay down, high five and so on.

He’s more focused on things that make him feel good, just like destroying my nose with his farts hahah


This past year has been pretty manic, so you’ve no-doubt, like the rest of us, spent a lot of time at home. How has your pet helped being at home for you? Have they been comforting, or have they just been driving you nuts?

We feel your pain. A few of us have dogs and their farts are brutal. Some are that bad that you need a knife to cut through them.

How has the last year been for you with the current global pandemic?

The last year has been crazy for all of us but one thing I can say for sure is that Thor has never had me home for this much time, and he totally loves it, he is always happy when we spend time home together, (and while I am writing he just joined me on the bed for the sleeping time) and I must say it’s important having him home because he is the perfect stress relief with his dumb face and the true love he can give.


Have you owned any strange animals?

Since I was a little kid we had pets, we had cats and dogs, a couple of chickens, even a duck once!


Tommy and Thor

Does Thor have any costumes you put him in?

Nope, honestly no. He wears a raincoat in winter and a scarf to complete the look for that sexy boy haha


How does Thor react to you practicing at home?  l

Thor is always there when I practice with guitar or bass but to be honest every time I have to practice with a growl or scream vocals he moves to another room and I do believe he would close the door if he had hands to… he seems to prefer classic rock like Dire Straits, Guns’n’Roses and so on.


Do you take Thor on the road with you?

While I’m away he spends more time with my girlfriend and when she is away with me he takes a vacation at my mothers’ where he gets way relaxed.


Speaking of practicing, any new music in the pipeline? IF so when is it due and what can your audience expect?

Yes sir, we are about to drop our new album “Beneath This Crown” which is going to be released on May 7th, 2021 via Blood Blast distribution (powered by Nuclear Blast), it’s a full-length album with 13 tracks that represent a natural evolution of our music, some melodic but heavy riffing, fast drums with a mix of scream and growl vocals accompanied by clean vocals.

[su_youtube url=” https://youtu.be/hFEyqEh00Os”]

You can understand what I’m talking about by searching us on YouTube where you’ll find a couple of singles from the new album.

Feel free to pre-save  “Beneath This Crown” here:https://backl.ink/144305702


Tommy and Thor

Have you anything you’d like to say to your fans/followers?

 Keep on supporting your local scene, in these tough times many musicians are facing circumstances beyond their control and it’s not easy to keep things going on so give your support to keep our favourite music genre. and for what’s about your pet: GIVE THEM COOKIES!


Tommy, it’s been fun chatting with you

Thank you guys for everything, it’s been a pleasure! Cheers everybody from me, the guys at Reality Grey, and of course from Thor!

Facebook.com/RealityGrey | Instagram.com/realitygrey

Realitygrey.bandcamp.com | Spotify | Album pre-save – https://backl.ink/144305702

Watch “The Void” on YouTube – https://youtu.be/nUnldMsfKDA


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