Write for Us

11th March 2013 0 By Craig


Help Wanted

Help us expand our music coverage! If you have a passion for music and writing, we want to hear from you. We are growing rapidly and currently receive around 40 new albums for review per week. We are always looking for writers, but are happy to hear from folks interested in contributing in other ways. The main contributor types we are seeking are listed below. Hit us up if you have any other ideas.

Album Reviewer

Join the staff of All About The Rock as an album reviewer. We are looking for people worldwide with diverse tastes and an open mind, metallers who enjoy writing and who are reliable enough to produce reviews when albums have been allocated to them. As an album reviewer we will send you digital downloads/streams of albums or CDs for review. Music writers are also encouraged to contribute with band interviews, concert reviews, and other content.

If you are interested in being a reviewer, please send an e-mail to craig@allabouttherock.co.uk  – Your e-mail should include the following:

  •  Your name (first and last) and why you’re interested in writing for AATR.
  •  A short summary of music you like – favorite bands, genres, and record labels.
  •  Details of any reviews you have already done – experience is not mandatory so don’t worry if you have none

A sample review, preferably of something not in our archives. Include the band name,& album title, record label, release date, your name and then lead into the review (try for at least 250 words) and then your score out of 10 – the album doesn’t have to be 10 out 10 and this score is one that we do not tend to give out lightly. Any review with a score of 8-10 out of 10 receives the AATR Approved seal of approval also.


Feature Writer

Have an idea for a music related feature? Or do you simply want to write an article about bands etc? Email me at craig@allabouttherock.co.uk with a featured story. Feature Writers should plan to submit a new article about once every 2 weeks

So What Do You Get From Us?

There’s no money in it (more’s the pity) but if you’re interested in getting your hands on new music (sometimes around 5 weeks in advance), ‘guest list’ admission to gigs in your area and meeting / interviewing up and coming / established artists and bands from records labels such as Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast, Century Media etc, then seriously stop reading this, get writing an example review/article and send it over to craig@allabouttherock.co.uk


Previous writing experience is not essential – just a love and genuine enthusiasm for metal music!


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