Podcast Episode 24: Heavy Metal Horror And MFN Back From The Dead
23rd December 2015 0 By Howard 'H' SmithIn this months Bollocast H chats with the creator of the in the works Metal And Horror documentary film Mike Schiff. With interviews from Cory Taylor to Alice Cooper already in the can they discuss the project, how it came about and where it is going.
Then it is a catch up with friend Joel Death head honcho of newly rebooted record label Music For Nations. This is a chat about all things MFN which are three letters that played a major role in spreading thrash around Europe back in the day. What is the future of this once great metal label.
Add to that ranting, sneezing, nose blowing and coughing you have got yourself a bolocast.
This is clock chiming bollocks.
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About the author
Howard is better known both as Howard 'H' Smith, the lead singer from UK Thrashers Acid Reign and also as his comedy alter ego 'Keith Platt'. During his careers he has been on tour with Nuclear Assault, Flotsam and Jetsam, Death Angel, Exodus, Dark Angel, Candlemass and Suicidal Tendencies and has graced the comedy stage at Download festival more than once.